Company Philosophy
While it may not be "politically correct" in this day and time to share one’s true philosophy,
I have always run my company the way I feel is right – which is not always "politically correct."
Therefore, from that perspective I would like to share the philosophy with which I have built and
continue to operate my company.
I call this our Company Philosophy since, as sole owner of the company, my company and its policies
are really an extension of me and my philosophy.
I am a Christian, a true believer, and I have committed my company to the Lord. While the legal paper
work indicates me as the owner, in reality I am just a steward of that which the Lord has chosen to
entrust to me.
I strive, therefore, to conduct my business in a way that brings honor and glory to Him. We are not
perfect, and you may experience times when we make mistakes, but we do our best to perform our duties
with the highest accuracy and integrity. If we make a mistake, we are the first to acknowledge it and
make it right.
Anyone can perform well when things are right. However, the true test of one’s integrity and character
is exposed during times of adversity. As the old adage says, "what’s in the well comes up with the
bucket." And while I sincerely hope that no situation arises to create adversity between you and my
company, if it does I hope and pray that our actions will witness and attest to Him for whom we work.
Learn more about me and my driving passion - click here.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you!

Beatty Carmichael